Goodbye 2019 and Hello 2020

Hi, guys! Welcome back to my blog and Happy New Year. I hope you guys had the best Holiday season. I know I’m late to the game but I wanted to post a little review of last year.

First, I want to thank all of you that check out the blog and follow me on Instagram and Pinterest. Still till this day I can’t believe that I began this blog. I am so grateful for you guys out there and I can’t wait what 2020 will bring for the blog. I know I slacked a little last year, but I am ready more than ever to bring you guys so much content in 2020.


When I began my blog last year I was in a rough spot. You see, I am a Registered Nurse and I work 3-12 hour shifts a week. Now, I know that doesn’t sound like much, but trust me it is very emotionally and physically draining. Don’t get me wrong I Love my job, but I needed something to get me off the couch on the 4 days I had off during the week.

Then, the idea popped in my head. To start this blog, a blog I have been dreaming of doing for years but then fear set in. Thoughts that I am not pretty or skinny enough, my hair is too thin, and I don’t know what I am doing. All of those little insecurities began to pop into my head. Until a voice in my head told myself to just do it. You see, in life we have all these moments of insecurities trust me I know it all too well. I have learned to stop being scared of what life has to offer. If I fail then I know to just get up and try again and again until I succeed.

Starting this blog has helped me become a little bit more self aware. It help me wake up early, put my make-up on (which is something I hardly ever used to wear), and work on myself. Now, don’t get me wrong I am not perfect by any means. My house is still a mess and I still sleep in until 11am on some days. But the blog gave me the opportunity to work on myself.


Last year was filled with a lot of trips and a whole lot of fun. 2019 was the first year where my husband and I were able to go on more trips and enjoy life a little more ever since we both graduated from school. Let me tell you we enjoyed so many different experiences and we felt a little more free.

The Truth

The Truth is 2019 was also filled with failures and sadness. I set lots of goals I didn’t accomplish. I officially got diagnosed with PCOS- Polycystic ovary syndrome. For those of you who don’t know this is a hormonal disorder where the ovaries collect pockets of fluid and fail to release eggs like normal. In shorter words this can cause Infertility which was a big goal for my husband and I for 2019. I don’t want to go too deep about this but It was a hard several months of trying to have a baby which is a goal I will bring into 2020.


My hopes for 2020 is to not let these failures set me back and to take on 2020 with an open heart. Knowing that things will not always go my way. Knowing that I will fail, but to get back up and try and try again. I hope you guys stick around with me this year. I am so excited to have a new mindset to start the new year off right. I have several goals for the new year but I don’t want to call them resolutions.

This year my goal is to focus on having more gratitude. My focus is to wake up each day with a grateful heart. We live in a constant world of always wanting more. We all wake up each day with a choice. The choice to be content with what we have or unhappy and complain about not having enough. My goal for you guys is to set aside sometime to say out loud what you are grateful for. I look forward to sharing my goal with you guys throughout the year.

What are your goals for the new year?

xoxo Vanessa

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